Later this
month my two best friends are getting married.
The bride I have known since I was four, the groom since I started
university. As I know them both so well,
I have the honour of being chief bridesmaid.
Now obviously I am delighted by this.
I’ve never been a bridesmaid, I like wearing dresses and I get a little slither
of the spotlight. However this privilege
comes with one condition - that I give a speech at the reception.
While I
admire the bride for asking that the voice of a female cohort is heard in
amongst men telling bawdy stories, as it is me that will be speaking, I’m
finding it all a little stressful.
Maid of
honour speeches, if Google is correct, appear to be pretty common in
America. Here in the UK, not so. Unlike a best man, I don’t have lots of
friends who have also been in the same position and can tell me what did and
did not work for them. And as I’m not
expecting my audience to be expecting a bridesmaid to speak will they think
that I’m just a very pushy lady who loves the sound of her own voice?
The actual
writing, while tricky to know what to include, I am capable enough to do. I’m sure I’ll be able to get a few laughs,
I’ve always made up for my lack of faith in my face with my ability to make
jokes. What I’m struggling to imagine is
the public speaking whilst trying to emote.
Don’t get
me wrong, I’m a very emotional person. I
cry regularly, primarily at terribly trashy television shows and sad adverts
(the one for lottery funding where the mother watches her daughter live her
dream is making me well up just at the memory).
My family are touchy feely in the very best sense of the term and we all
tell each other we love one another every time we speak. Yet the idea of standing in front of a room of
people that I know well and telling them how I feel about the occasion is impossible
for me to fathom. This is probably a
sign I’ve been in England too long and my ability to express my feelings is
being repressed by association.
So while I
use this blog as a distraction from writing the actual speech I can’t imagine
giving, I think there is one important lesson for us all to learn. The only couple I have ever played a part in
the setting up of are getting married.
If you want a match made I will charge a very competitive fee to find
you a partner for life – I do have a 100% success rate.
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